Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Presidents' Day!

What if you could be President of the United States? If some of my kiddos become the President we will have a carnival every week and have donuts! They can count on my vote!

Love the bulletin board idea from Teacher to the Core.

My students' favorite part was seeing their faces on the dollar bill.

If you like the writing form you can grab it here.

If you like the venn diagram you can grab it here.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Exceptional Children's Week

This is my WONDERFUL crew! These girls make my job so much fun!

Changing grade levels can be a bit.......well......Stressful. Not for me......Thanks to these wonderful ladies! They are seriously the nicest people ever!
Anyway....We are celebrating Exceptional Children's Week at our school and our Special Education crew goes all out when it comes to celebrating! T-shirts, posters, special treats...need I say more? I know we are going to have a great month!
A great big thanks to Anna, Deja, Jane, and the fabulous L'vete!!! You ladies Rock!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Let Me Google That For You!

In January, I had the opportunity to attend FETC in Orlando, Florida. Now don't get me wrong, I love technology, but I felt like a fish out of water! Anything and everything you could ever imagine involving edtech was there. One word... OVERWHELMED! I collected a bag full of info and have stayed up late at night trying to get up-to-date with technology. This is a site that our group thought was funny. Any time someone asks you a question, you can go to this site and send the person with the question the link to the answer.
You can even get a shirt....
For my constant stream of questions on how to get this blog thing going, I just tell myself...Let me google that for me! Gotta love Google!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Shape Robots

We are studying geometry. My second graders had a lot of fun with this shape robot project. We used our geometric shapes to create a robot. They drew their robots, added a background, and then wrote a story.
Step 1:  First, we used geometric shapes to create our robot.

Step 2: We drew the robot on our recording form. 

Step 3: We named our robot friend and wrote a story.
Step 4: We told our story using the "Author's Chair". 
This is what my young friend's work looked like! Fabulous!


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Anyone else ready to see a sunny day? Since we can't get out and play we're working on creating a blog! My friend Lindsay, over at Mrs. Miller's Monkey Business and I are ready to go out on a limb and try something new! So aBlogging we will go!